Wednesday, November 2, 2022

The Perfect Pumpkin Pie--Book Review


Title: The Perfect Pumpkin Pie

Format: Picture Book

Written by: Denys Cazet

Published by: Atheneum/Richard Jackson Books, October 2005

Reading Age: 3-6 years





“Pumpkins, pumpkins, pumpkin pie!  I must have one before I die.  It must be round and brown as toast, or I’ll haunt this house a hungry ghost.” With hauntingly clever text and frighteningly funny illustrations, Denys Cazet is sure to have your audience chanting, stomping, and patting along to the groove of The Perfect Pumpkin Pie.  
The story starts with Mrs. Wilkerson and her feisty husband who dies and comes back as a ghost with an appetite. He demands pie and examines it with his "one good eye." Swirling and whirling with Halloween fun, this book has all the right ingredients for a perfect picture book read aloud.  Take a scoop of scary, a pinch of cozy, and add a whole lot of funny.  Read it once and it is sure to be a fall favorite.